The Farm Antiques, Wells Maine

The Farm Antiques, Wells Maine. Fine English Period Antiques, Antique Paintings, Landscape, Maritime, Antique Accessories

Our list of categories at the right will lead you to a large selection of the 17th, 18th, and 19th century antique furniture and accessories that we currently have for sale at The Farm Antiques.

If you click on a category, a page of thumbnails will appear.

Click on a thumbnail and a detailed description and more photos will appear (follow the arrows left and right of image).

Every antique that we offer for sale has been purchased and inspected by us. Our workshop cleans, polishes and if necessary, repairs each item so it is ready to be used and enjoyed .

We rarely strip antique furniture or wooden accessories, but we do clean the wood so it glows and shows the inherent beauty of the timber while simultaneously maintaining patination.

We level drawers so they ride in and out of a chest or desk smoothly. If a leather on a desk can be rejuvenated we will do that, if not we will replace it with the finest hand dyed tooled leather available.

Minor repairs should be expected in furniture that has survived through the centuries. Major repairs or replacements will be enumerated. Porcelain will have all repairs noted. Silverplated antiques are often replated and this is not noted.

We do not sell reproductions.

In short, antiques at The Farm Antiques are meticulously and tastefully readied to enhance your life in your home or office.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us and we shall happily give you further details and or more photos. We have far more inventory than we can put on this website, so please enquire if you are looking for other antiques that you do not see here.